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ese psikologjike me teme stresi

"Stress is bad for your health." "Stress can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, and in some extreme cases, even depression." "Stress is the most harmful of all emotions in our society." - These are some of the things stress researchers say. But despite what you've learned about this harmful emotion, it's hard to avoid. Indeed, many of us feel like we're constantly stressed out. The following article would like to offer insight on how else you can deal with stress if this isn't something that just goes away on its own. "Stress is a function of life as we know it. It's not bad per se. As the saying goes, 'without stress, life wouldn't be worth living'." - This is what a stress researcher would say, but after talking to a number of people who have struggled with stress and anxiety, I feel like this may not be correct. "Let me be clear: Stress is no good for you. But it's how our body copes with the inevitable problems in life." - This is what a stress researcher would say, but after talking to a number of people who have struggled with stress and anxiety, I feel like this may not be correct. If you've been researching stress, then you've probably come across the terms chronic or acute stress. Acute stress is that which is brought on by an actual negative situation, such as a deadline at work or a family problem. Chronic stress is that which continues for a long period of time, such as someone being generally unhappy with their job or being in an unhealthy relationship. Stress can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and in some extreme cases, even depression. Stress is the most harmful of all emotions in our society. But despite what you've learned about this harmful emotion, it's hard to avoid. Indeed, many of us feel like we're constantly stressed out. The following article would like to offer insight on how else you can deal with stress if this isn't something that just goes away on its own. "Stress is a function of life as we know it. It's not bad per se. As the saying goes, 'without stress, life wouldn't be worth living'." - This is what a stress researcher would say, but after talking to a number of people who have struggled with stress and anxiety, I feel like this may not be correct. "Let me be clear: Stress is no good for you. But it's how our body copes with the inevitable problems in life. It's vital to our health and well-being. Without stress, we wither and die!" - This is what a stress researcher would say, but after talking to a number of people who have struggled with stress and anxiety, I feel like this may not be correct. The pressure we put on ourselves to succeed can be one of the biggest contributors to this harmful emotion. Although many people think that stress is something that always happens as a result of an unfortunate situation such as failing an exam, getting fired from work or having your salary cut down - the truth is that even more often than these unfortunate situations, our own expectations are what are causing us harm. eccc085e13

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